Tag: communication

Listen Up

I recently spoke to an ex Australian government official about Tony Abbott. “Abbott”, he said, “is not a good listener. He does as he pleases, and it is him calling the shots, not his foreign ministry nor those in his cabinet. What you see in the press is just Abbott being Abbott.” “Fair enough”, I…
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Coaching, Communication and C Level

I was recently working with a regional MD who had left his company (on good terms), and weighing his options. With a solid industry reputation, he has no shortage of choices to ponder. One possible option was with a large MNC, and he’d been in dialogue with them for not quite a year. Their regional…
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FYI to Boss? Boss says ANW

Many people I coach have challenges communicating effectively with their boss. They often think the boss automatically understands them, and that what worked previously will work again with a new company or boss. I had coffee with one such person last week. He explained that he greatly respects his boss–thinks he’s smart, experienced, knowledgeable, someone…
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My Father and Bragging Rights

I seldom write about myself or my family, not that sort of blog, but this is an off-line one. My father (and mother) are in their 86th year, closing in on their 61st anniversary. Both in fine fettle, and as he says to me, “all problems are minor”–although not sure my mother would agree. A…
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14 Business Phrases to Strengthen Your Presence

Working through a corporate system to grasp different styles of how others communicate, listen, and influence remain difficult for many people until they’re poked hard enough or have an epiphany.. I recently came across an odd book, The Leader Phrase Book, 3000 Phrases to Lead By.. Since a phrase isn’t even a cogent sentence, I…
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Illegitimi Non Carborundum

Out for my daily morning constitutional with the dog this morning, and ran into one of the neighbours whom I see sometimes walking his dogs, and exchange pleasantries. I know he’s been looking around the market of late, and asked him if he’d landed any bites. “No, and actually things are getting a bit heated…
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Management sailing–smooth or choppy?

I spoke to a woman I know who was being offered a new job with a new company; the money was good, not a huge jump, but an industry she wanted to be in, and willing to take it for a not-so-big increase, a perfectly legit reason. Well regarded at her current company, she announced…
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