Category: Inspirational

My Father and Bragging Rights

I seldom write about myself or my family, not that sort of blog, but this is an off-line one. My father (and mother) are in their 86th year, closing in on their 61st anniversary. Both in fine fettle, and as he says to me, “all problems are minor”–although not sure my mother would agree. A…
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Moments of Realisation-Good Morning America, How Are You?

Opportunities always come your way. Challenges as well, but the opportunities are harder to see, often disguised. How to decipher what exactly is worthwhile or not is the million dollar question, and no one has a crystal ball. I can say some people have better antennae than others, but more important, opportunity is seldom in…
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John Wooden and The Rambam

I was leafing through one of John Wooden’s books on leadership the other day. Wooden was a stickler for “old-fashioned values” and reading it over, I mused what the opposite might be.. Do (leadership) values change with the times? I don’t think so. Technology/social media/apps, global/cross-cultural/diversity and inclusion, all nudge around the edges of communication…
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Celebration for cause

It isn’t really important to decide when you are very young just exactly what you want to become when you grow up. It is much more important to decide on the way you want to live. If you are going to be honest with yourself and honest with your friends, if you are going to…
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Mens agitat molem

Years ago I worked in LA, in the airport area of Inglewood. Next door to the office was an Exxon station, run by an older Egyptian man. We’d often exchange a few words when I’d fill up the tank. I recall one day pulling in to the station in a foul mood, whatever had happened…
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The good coach

The actor David Duchovny wrote a widely read op-ed in the Wall St Journal the other week. Titled, “What A Good Coach Does”, he recalls his high school basketball days in New York. Long hair, cursing on the court, jumping up and down every time he scored. “I was concerned with how many points I…
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Words to work with in 2010

Do what you have to do first, and then do what you like to do. Adjust your goals to fit your talents and limitations so that reduced goals don’t frustrate you. Know how to proportion the means to an end, so that you don’t fire a cannon to kill a caterpillar, or wave a rod…
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